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2020 and beyond Transmission from THE WHITE SISTERHOOD on Healing the Past of our Planet to Birth the Radically New

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Dear Ones,

Commander Ard Hoon Yat has already addressed this topic and tonight we will attempt to fill in the blanks for you.

But, firstly, let us say this about ourselves, for Amerasul has been repeatedly wondering about our identity - there is a White Brotherhood, but who is the White Sisterhood? - but we ARE, Beloveds, and we are HEALERS, gathered to serve your united purpose for ending duality on the planet Earth. The White Sisterhood is, and always has been, closest to the hearts of humans, and we have taken many forms to bring comfort and joy into the darkest places throoughout your history. We may have seemed to be in the background, but we have been much involved in what is referred to as the NOW and particular spatial manifestation, meaning simply that we are with you, always. You could not, and we mean, YOU COULD NOT, swerve off your perceived path (if that was indeed possible) and lose us. WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU.

So, now that we have “cleared this one up” (snigger), let us move on to our main topic.

Amerasul, who has recently gone through a healing that serves well as an example of what we will try to theoretically elaborate for your minds and hearts to grasp with increasing clarity, will sone give an account to alleviate the stress on theory here.

It has been hinted at that there will be much loss in the years to come and a lot of grief to accompany this necessary letting go of the old that no longer serves, yes, but that also no longer is given any space within the trajectory of currently possible timelines. That does not mean that that which you love and hold dear will fade out of the world to never return. It simply means that it will be given an opportunity to reassemble and reshape itself into a form and manifestation, following your collective desire and heartfelt love attraction of bringing into and birthing the future world. See yourselves as gardeners clearing the ground, taking good care of the field sleeping through a long winter, in joyous expectancy of the Spring to come. What will you do? You will nurture the ground. You will clean the soil. You will make sure that all is ready. You will select the seeds you wish to grow. You will sow them at the RIGHT TIME in the RIGHT PLACE. This, in a way, already contains all you nee to know.

But why the past, why do anything about it? And we want you to understand this, we want you to truely feel this in every atom of your being: EVERY, every ounce of that soil is made up of every thought and every feeling that ever manifested before this moment. Please, hold onto this thought! You have heard how your intentions and your focus and you frequency impact your present and your future. Well, they have always done so, for each and every one of you, and we are not talking just humans here.

ALL of these thoughts, feelings, intentions, frequencies and aims EVER to have appeared constituted this very soil you are building present and future upon.

Again we say: anchor yourself into that golden and beautiful future you all so much desire of Love, Kindness and Cooperation: See it, feel it, envision it as radically as you can. Let go of all fears of change and let your only parameter be pure love and joy: How would you live? How would all life live in harmony? Not just some. EVERYONE. Envision perfection. Does this trigger you? Does this make you uncomfortable about your present, where you are not all in harmony with all creatures?

GOOD, we say! Now turn and look at your soil, and ask yourself: Why can my soil not bring forth the present I desire with all others? And HERE is your work.


There will be those among you, who have come to deal with collective issues - and there are far more of these than there EVER have been on the planet - but for everyone the first and foremost duty is your personal and, to an extend, hereditary past of this lifetime. Do not, from this day forth, see working with your past, resolving trauma and issues, integrating estranged parts of your soul stream or physical manifestation, dealing with personal demons, healing what was, in any conceivable way, as a drag or second best option. And we will be quite clear with you here:


Instead, see it as the incredible opportunity to create the potential for hitherto unconceivable change. Learn to love this work on yourself, for verily, if true love and compassion were to rule your heart and being, you would jump with joy and grace at every opportunity that arises. And why would you do that? Because you would be filled with the same undying love and joy to serve your precious selves, body and soul, that we feel towards you.

And does this mean we are better or above you? And here we will clear up what is to us a massive misunderstanding or miscommunication:

Nay, beloveds, nay.

For ye are the salt of the earth

Ye came down here of your own free will and accord to serve to heal the wounds and the suffering of physical manifestation for all of the universe to heal and integrate.

You came at great expenses and loss.

You came at great pain and suffering.

You came at tears and blood, at screams in the dark, at numbness and forgetting, at grief and loneliness, at cruelty and unconceivable meaninglessness.

But still you came.

But still you came.


And you will be.

With grace and love and all the blessings of the universe we ask you to “hang in there”, Beloveds.

Wishing you a happy Solstice, from our One Heart, YéShéT’A, to yours!