My Work



In a nutshell :)

I’m an Intuitive, i.e. someone who perceives on a level of energy or ether. It is almost impossible for me to describe how that works for me personally. But it allows me to perceive people in a way that includes their energetic state in any given moment, including their greater conciousness, collective connections etc. It also gives me the opportunity to synch with their field for purposes of assisting with changes from any unwanted to a more harmonious and “filled” state. This is a highly individual process and, though I use certain processes or “tools” in my practice, all that happens is born from the present requirements. What wants to be seen, come into consciousness, be released or healed? Often this also includes energetic and sound healings, which are always channelled from the person’s higher realms or greater consciousness, to fit exactly whatever is needed in the moment.

On a more general note, it can be said that I am here to align humans increasingly with their heartspace, intuition and sensitivity, for their highest good and the highest good of the planet. Love is the source of this life. Freedom is our divine self beyond bondage.

Resume for esotheric folk ;)

I am a group projection, the Master Energy of my soulstream is Jeshua, its principle Arch Angel Michael, I am member of the White Sisterhood of healers, which works with the Mary energies in all its forms, Ra is one of my guardians and my spirit animal as regards healing is the orca. :D