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Ascension Shenanigans – Episode XV: Commander Ard Hoon Yat on Time and how to navigate healing in a time based reality

by jeremy thomas on unsplash

In this blog, I do not generally post any channelled content, i.e. in literal form, as my being is in and of itself source mind and wisdom oriented. On top of that I feel that the higher dimensional the information is, the less it is going to help you with your day to day struggles. Mind you, I love me a good channelling, both for its energy and any way out information I might have missed so far! For my own path, I do channel sound and light/energy healings, simply because it is more of my thang.

The following is an exception that came of me stumbling, in the last days of my “Cosmic Human” year of searching for the links between the I and the Universe, into a meeting of Galactic Federation Council just before my incarnation, and into the being that is now part of myself named Ard Hoon Yat, or something very close to this. Because I could experience this entity, I am now capable of communing with this part of me as if it was a separate being and answering from his/her (don’t get that bit with certainty) nontemporal point of view.

The following is taken from a rather lengthy answer to the question of why we, or anybody for that matter, would be born into a, due to trauma, extremely low frequency location (Germany, for instance). Though I do not totally get what he is saying, I nevertheless found it helpful and inspiring, so here goes …

“As a healer you will have a part that resists the very energy you are here to heal because you are, and this is absolutely necessary, already aware of the healed state of the energy: the opposite of what you find. THIS needs to be your focus in healing. This will, however, not be your focus in everyday life, unless you completely repress the resistance, which would be very unhealthy.

It is the chasm between the now and where you want to be going – in that it is vitally important to you as an ascension worker. You are here to overcome this painful duality on a cosmic level, not individually. Individually, it is the trajectory along which you travel this life.

It is said that life is not a journey (your post) and that is so. Journeying towards a goal, most of all a goal the fulfilment of which is constantly postponed is not beneficial. Nevertheless, you live in a timeline structured world of past, present, future and it would be extremely unwise not to use the momentum of time, which is ever unstoppably ongoing – even for those who have learned to bend it – to your advantage. This is something humans are particularly adverse to as you also, or should I say even, resist time itself. For time is not oneness, is it? But oneness is what you crave, and with it you crave TIMELESSNESS,

But what we resist persists (this is true) and consequently you experience this momentum as a curse most of the time, as stress, as lack of etc. This is the twin to human issues with abundance (seeing abundance as wealth) though it verily is included in abundance itself.

It has been said many times that your focus on the future, be it a plan coming to fruition or any other concept of  finality in becoming something you desire, has you running through your life like a donkey following a carrot. And it is true and you are all painfully aware of this. Many are those who work on being more in the present moment and it has to be said for kindness’ sake that this is much easier for some than it is for others.

In this incarnation, we have had the rare luck of attending several seminars that worked with the future and gave advice on how to root yourself in a (consciously) desired future. There is also much to be said about jumping time lines, but I shall restrict myself here to pointing out that, though future timelines can be many and mutable on your world, it is indeed vital to not only envision but also travel into desirable timelines to widen your mind to possibilities and opportunities to act in the here and now. What I mean by this is: change the way you live with the vision becoming the root of your actions. And this is a crucial point.

As time is perceived as linear, the most easily achievable way to work with its movement is to turn it around. As a pilot, let me try to give an analogy. You perceive yourself as travelling along a trajectory: the present is like the fuel you are burning, by which process it becomes the past: something fixed in space and time. All the while you will be attempting to move towards one or several goals. Many just move, it has to be said, by default. In either case, the one thing you know about where you are moving is that it is not where you are now, time takes care of that. You can envision the future and do many things to gain more clarity about your goal, yes. And, still – and Inkiri knows I am laughing – this is not, absolutely not, how space travel works. Else all parts of the universe that have already been traversed would die of a strange form of calcification. And it is also not how linear time works. For it is not linear.

Know this, nay, remember, dear inhabitants of this Earth: In this moment you are the sum of all that you call the past. It exists “only” in this: as the sum of your now being, while the future is the sum of where you might be going as a result of this sum you call the past. This is BECOMING, the BEING expanding over a period of time.

Therefore, and there are two therefores both equally important, everything you do now has the potential to change your future AND your past. Because both ends of the supposed timeline are organically woven into each other. There are no cuts. The past is much more mutable than you think. You only have to look at what humans call history to understand that it is dependent on perspective. Every one going through healing will see how their perspective on their past will shift throughout the process.

And, therefore, your most effective measure in travelling towards a desired future is to, firstly, define that future by exerting your free will and aligning with your desires for it, and, secondly, to turn around to find whatever in your past or present is not in alignment with this. This is how we navigate.

An example: There has been much call for kindness amongst each other and the many beings on the planet, and all star nations and all human desire are in agreement. Observe yourself: Am I being kind to my children, my dog my neighbour throughout the day. Am I, most importantly, being kind towards myself, for being kind to one at the expense of another is not kindness at all. When I am not being as kind as I would wish to be, there must be a reason, a hurt, a culture, something in the makeup and fabric of my being, up until this point, that is the root of my unkindness. But now we have reversed time and rooted us in a future of kindness, as to explore the past and find all that has not let me be my most kind. And change it.

There are hundreds of possible ways to go about this. Inkiri has mentioned some in her blog, and more and more will people find their ways to address the past in a beneficial and loving attitude, knowing it is the very soil upon which the future grows. We of the High Council of the Star Nations are many of us present and have been for a long time. We are aware of your woes and suffering. We dedicate ourselves to ending duality. I thank you from the depths of YeSheTa, the Cosmic Oneheart within us all, my brothers and sisters.

On te ma ha u a-ke

P.S.: Inkiri asks why we are born in an area of trauma or low frequency. It is there to participate in the ancestral energy of the place, root it towards a new future and heal its past.

This does not mean you have to individually stay rooted in on the spot you were born in. Many healers, indeed, are made for travel, bringing healing to many places, many beings.”

Phew …