
Ascension Shenanigans

All things ascension and spirituality infused with a healthy sense of humor.

Photo by Lorna Scubelek on Unsplash

Ascension Shenanigans – Episode XXII: The Beyond Importance of Stories

The concept of the personal story as a sacred and safe space is a highly commendable opportunity of creating reality and embracing diversity. And, most of all, it puts an end to the unconscious parental destruction of the creative impulse of self-definition within the child. The stories a child brings into this world should never be tampered with. In a way this can be seen as the initiating spark of an ideal society, where all stories are accepted and embraced with love.

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Inga Wilhelm
Ascension Shenanigans - Episode XVIV: Healing, healing, healing

The other outstanding occurrence is that all the healing I am doing for myself or others at present is of amazingly exceptional quality, depth and effectiveness. It is as if everybody had reached a whole new level of potential to heal, integrate and grow. This is what I would define as the sugar coat on the, err, heap of shite. No, seriously, it is, in a way, what this time is all about. And as I think that knowing this will be infinitely more helpful to people, I decided to give a short outline of the possibilities presently available to all.

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Inga Wilhelm
Ascension Shenanigans – Episode XVIII: Personal Truth - How to stick with it and why

Your personal, subjective truth is an amalgamation of your feelings about, emotional reactions to and thoughts on your life experience that all occur within the exchange between your core or purpose for coming into this world and the “reality” you are experiencing. On a higher level these two poles are synced. There is no contradiction or struggle. They are unfolding harmoniously. So, nothing to get triggered about, right?

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Inga Wilhelm