Ascension Shenanigans - Episode XII and a half: Balancing Self Aspects


Due to recent developments in my own life, I decided to do another sub-espisode. Not very elegant, but as this is all about uncomfortable truths, very fitting.

To get it off the table: I will not include what has happened as an example. It would make an excellent case, yet, as I have not with complete certainty found a way to resolve this, I will save relating it for a later date. To tell you the truth, it is more than just a little depressing, in a tear jerking kind of way, and I am not sure whether the service would outweigh the trauma side of it ….

What I will tell you is that what happened is part of a recurring pattern, one that has been driving me not just a little crazy in recent years. Undoubtedly, it is also driving me towards more consciousness, but there are moments when I absolutely lack the capacity of distancing myself enough to see this. More so, I often lack the capacity to understand how becoming conscious would justify any of it happening. Another reason why I’d like to stick with the theoretical side of things for the length of this blog. You should not find it too hard to relate from your own experience.

What I will say has much to do with an earlier episode on unconscious creation.

With the term self-aspects, I include personality aspects, persona, inner children, shadows, anything that is split within you and that you are slightly, somewhat or not at all aware of.  For instance, we all have a more extrovert version of ourselves to deal with people, we all have a more controlling side and a more adventurous one. Only what most people don’t realise is that there is loads of them, that they themselves might be conscious or unconscious of each other, that each might carry certain believes, coping mechanisms, traits, talents. And that each of them has their own consciousness, opinions and thoughts. And since each of them has thoughts on whatever might be going on in your life, each of them influences what is happening to you. Massively.

If your conscious personality self - not calling it ego is a huge help here and fairly common practice – has decided for your life to go a certain way, but there is an unconscious aspect of you that does not agree, mostly there will be more than one, you are basically screwed. At this vantage point I would like you to remember that this is about balance. Look at this from the perspective of the phenomenon balance.  It does not give shit whether you are stuck with a job you hate or a relationship that is not at all what you wanted. This might actually be a really balanced state, with different self-aspects pulling in different directions and you in the middle screaming. It is super painful. And also ridiculously solid. You probably even applied an extra load of little fear props to avoid the whole thing collapsing. As I said, you are screwed.

Now let us look at the divine perspective. Or higher, or sourcier, whatever. Choose a dimension. So, what is it we want? We want expansion. What is it we need? We need freedom. And what is it we crave? We crave oneness. From higher up, it is not looking that good, totally free of judgement, dude. You will still be getting plenty of important experiences out of this, but on the joy-o-meter you are not measuring to bring the new dawn about … So, quite generally speaking, what do we do? We up the game. If you are in a repetitive pattern that keeps getting worse, you will know what that means. It might be your health, it might be your relationships, anything. Mind you, this is toned by any number of factors, such as: do most of your self-aspects love themselves, each other, are you grateful or always nagging etc.

But, please, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that focussing only on the positive, being grateful  etc., while totally ignoring the parts that are none of it, will do the job. Now or ever. In fact, from my experience I would say that there are a lot of good things you can do that might actually increase the contrast, something we see happening all over the place at present. This makes for a ping pong life between great joy and upper desperation. Remember balance. If you give more light to the light side, you are also giving more darkness to the dark side. Should you therefore become depressed and give up? No! Get that extra light where you can and then take your lamp to the dark side. Become conscious of as much of it as you can. And integrate it. You cannot strive for oneness with half of you buried in a virtual hole in the ground.

For any parts or integration work, please refer to Teal Swan’s work. She has tons of free stuff on the internet.

Or ask your friends to help, book a session with me or somebody you relate to. There is so much out there.

From a human perspective, you cannot have free will unless you are aware of and have brought into balance as many aspects of your self as is humanely possible.  You will be made to do it anyway. And the older you get the more prominently will those repressed aspects play a part in your life. Let’s say they prefer to be resolved while you are still on the planet. Just assume they might have good reasons. Or take my word for it.

Inga Wilhelm