Ascension Shenanigans – Episode XXI: With Hearts and Eyes Wide Open



The title is a little misleading, in as far as I had to keep it short or it would have been something like: “With hearts and eyes wide open we walk forth along a tight rope juggling seven plates …”. I do not want to pretend for a second these are easy times. Nevertheless, I will end up telling you that we are asked to live them as though they were, and that in full consciousness. If you feel that you are not even remotely in a place where you can do so, your number one priority is self-healing. Start now.

The “node of confusion” is lifting somewhat, enough to allow me to give my perspective on the “current situation”, if you can still even hear expressions like that without wanting to take a hammer to them …. I will attempt to restrict myself to what I conceive of as being helpful to others. There is a problem to that – and literally ALL authorities on the planet are tripping over this one right now. It is the fact that there is a deep seated belief in all of us, which has a very real, universal truth real, core that once we know everything, we are healed of uncertainty. The whole knowledge is power rigmarole. Though this is actually untrue, there is no frickin’ chance on this planet that humanity at large will buy in on this, unless – it has found out for itself.

First of all, though, what is this really all about? As many of you have felt already, the “Corona Crisis” is, speaking from a higher perspective, a very gentle and kind attempt of the planet’s consciousness to get humanity back into alignment with the good of all. Including the good of all humans. I say gentle and kind, because the timelines have been holding way worse scenarios for a long time, such as WWIII, a complete breakdown of the entire economic system, which is still imminent, not to mention serious natural recalibration, also called extinction … Many have called this a “Shake up” and the like, to get more of humanity to wake up and consider consciousness.

There is an obvious problem with this. It is that we are applying forms of education to ourselves that we know are not working. They never have. I am a teacher, I have some experience of that. To put it in the words of the scifi novel I am happen to be reading just now (about a virus):

People could not be made to change. It had taken her a long time to learn that. People had to want to change themselves.(from Ammonite by N.Griffith)

So, I think we can safely assume that most people know that much. Then why have we manifested this form of awareness incentive? I have found, or received, if you will, three answers to this.

The first is sheer desperation.

The second is that we are still operating, as a collective, very much from the old operating system, believes, structures … So, what we manifest still owes a lot to these. Which is why I, and many others, have so often encouraged people to envision the radically new. Keep doing that, by the way, if you are stuck, it’s a good time to spend your day. And then take baby steps towards it.

The third is that we are manifesting unconsciously, thereby giving away our power to whoever is there to grab it. Please, refer back to the Episode “Uncoscious Manifestation”, if you do not know what I mean by this. When you try to tap into the (mostly unconscious) collective’s urge to wipe humanity off the face of the planet for even a second, you will truly be aware of what I mean by “mild and kind”.

This basically means that we are now stuck with humanity’s massive resistance to its own attempts at self-education. Here we come to the “heart wide open part”. Because it is of the utmost importance that you realise that people’s reactions are born out of extreme levels of fear, grief and confusion. There is, at this point, hardly anybody really asleep out there. They are disoriented, scared for their lives and ready to grab anything, literally anything, that feels like their old security. That might be copious amounts of toilet paper. That might be giving away your civic rights, so somebody will tell not only you what to do, but everybody else will have to do the same thing. To somebody in enough panic and survival mode that seems like a genius thing, as it eliminates all possible threat in one fell swoop.

The great amount of denial in this is quite obvious. But it is not the only form of denial that is currently playing out. Others include not seeing that anything really has happened, believing that things will go back to the old normal, “this is the beginning of the Golden Age” (which it is, technically, but we are to go long way yet before the “golden” sets in, I am afraid) and “I am totally fine” …

Conspiracy theories I gave their own Episode. There are so many different kinds out there right now. Some belong in the denial category, so to speak the oldies of the genre, created to cover up something and divert from what is really happening. Each of these theories work – they are working theories, if they keep going – exactly because the y contain a grain of truth of the collective nature. This means that they hold a truth that is believed or repressed by a relevant number of people on the planet. (See Ep.XX)

But it is not only conspiracy theories that tap you emotionally into fear, panic, anger, hate, righteousness, superiority and so forth, sending you on a downward spiral. Main stream media are presently jumping on the wagon of “more panic, more clicks” with vigour. I would advise anybody to restrict their intake of the entire genre of separation propaganda to homeopathic doses. You will know when something is for you to know.

So, you have your hearts wide open to the blight of other people, you are hopefully grounding yourself at the slightest excuse as well as opening your heart chakra through your favourite meditation/practise or just cuddling with your cat. Your eyes are scanning the horizon for information that will help you along your way. You are taking care of your inner parts/children/trauma with love and are integrating as much as you possibly can. Anything else?

Polarity has been increasing on the planet and has reached a level that is almost unbearable. People are scared out of their pants. People are having the times of their lives. If you can feel or sense even just some of it, you will most likely be spending time with old trauma and the patterns of helplessness and victimhood. Do not ignore that. Try to be proactive. In both directions. Finding where in your past you have felt like that and how that might be influencing your feelings now. Become aware of what is different, both in yourself, the position/environment you are in. Knowing this: how can my future be different based on decisions I am making? With awareness comes responsibility.

And with love comes vulnerability. What are called “protector parts”, i.e. aspects of personality that came into being to protect you, are presently very ready to be dissolved. This is not a nice feeling. Not only is it scary to let go of such inner mechanisms, but they often come in the form of highly self-abusive behaviours and you will find it hard to face them with love. Remember that they themselves have spent a life time in hell to protect you by hurting you, so others would not. If you can accept and understand them, freedom and love await on the other side.

This is asking A LOT of you. Not a good time for denial. Nor a good time for spiralling downwards. Can you actually do neither? So, for those who are not just waking up, the question is: how aware am I REALLY. And, yes, this is a test.

With love




Inga Wilhelm