Ascension Shenanigans – Episode XX: Conspiracy Theories

William Blake - Jerusalem

William Blake - Jerusalem

Let us begin with an UNtrigger alert. If it does not yet exist, we have just invented it.

In this Episode, I will not go into any particular theory or elaborate on the truth or untruth of any content. My main motivation is to boost your awareness and abilities to cope with such content, make you aware of pros and cons as well as any actual dangers. Even the fact that these are NOT endemic to a particular content, should tell you more than you will ever need to know. For, my friends, neither is Truth.

Being a bit of a dinosaur, let me tell you of how newspapers came into manifestation. Their beginnings are linked intimately to the beginnings of democracy in Western Europe. All beginnings are seeds and all seeds hold potential that, as long as we are still caught within the illusion of duality, will fan out towards what is wanted as well towards what is not wanted. Yet, on the surface of creation energy, newspapers actually were born out of the concern of the ruling classes and what was back than a very limited number of people with an education to be giving the right to vote to people, who were so caught up in their daily toil, the mere struggle of survival, that they had no means of access to such information as would enable them to be enlightened voters. The German word “Aufklärung” actually has no literal element of “light”, but refers to a “clearing up”. The light of consciousness illuminating the dark places back then meant a very different thing than it does now. Common people had little to no access to education. They were, according to their peers, full of superstition and prejudice. Church or hearsay was their only means of hearing any news of the world at all. Newspapers evolved together with political parties. They were meant to give voters a solid background, on which to make a decision were to cast their vote. The dangers and pitfalls inherent in the idea of making knowledge available to more people were felt by all. But on the side of idealism, the hope for the “mündige Bürger”, the responsible citizen, was prevalent. It has always been and stayed an ideal. It might seem faded and dusty to you now, but I would have you hold on to it. For without responsibility there can be no freedom.

Ascension, integration, enlightenment, evolution, wherever you are thinking of heading, you will not make it far without accepting responsibility. Make peace with it while you can. As of now, you are responsible of finding the truths that correspond with the pull of your soul’s desire and your subjective truths. Allow everybody else to take that same responsibility and drop the idea that truths are exclusive. They only are, if somebody else’s truth triggers your fears. Your choices are your path of light through life. Giving them away is like giving your light away to wander into somebody else’s darkness.

With this in mind, let us move on to conspiracy theories. They are a bit like Marmite, some wouldn’t go near them, others live on them. Others again are torn between fascination and severe stomach aches. We are now transitioning into an age, and I ask you to question this statement thoroughly, where conspiracy theories are becoming the new news. There is a feeling that the news are not nearly cutting it, when it comes to telling us what is going on with in the world. The allegiances are becoming too obvious, the news feed drowned out in market economy strategies. Try listening to the news from different countries on the same day about the same topic. Keep in mind, though, that the current situation of general insecurity is heightening the inner urge to find some security, be that some evil plot. But believing the worst will not make you a self-empowered human being.

Every conspiracy theory contains a grain of truth. In days were the label of CT is so generously applied, it might well be way more than a grain. But the decision should always reside with you and you only. Because something is said within the context of a CT that is partially right, does not mean that it is all true (for you). This is also a good example of what freedom and choice are. We are so used to go through life buying into “package deals” that we have stopped questioning why we should do so in the first place. Herd instinct and fear of loneliness are obviously helping the process, but be aware: if you have a more complicated attitude towards something, so do millions of other people. They are all just caught in the illusion of being alone with it. Which is slightly narcissistic really …. Perhaps that person that you rejected because of their age, taste in music, aura colour or star seed origin is sharing your views on EMFs? You are NEVER alone!

Be picky! Take the grains and leave with what helps you along.

Next stop: the downward spiral into deepest darkness. For those of you who suffer from CTs I do not even have to explain this. There are several things I need to say about this. Firstly, if reading, hearing, seeing CTs makes you repeatedly feel this way, please stay away from them, until there has been a shift in your sensitivities through healing and integrating. If you are a really sensitive soul, do not even expect yourself to ever get there. Don’t let yourself be judged for how you feel. Don’t judge yourself for how you feel. Nobody will profit from your traumatisation. Or should I say: in the world of CTs somebody is probably profiting from your traumatisation. Well, don’t do them the favour.

Secondly, there is a regrettable culture around “the worse it is, the more true it will be”. This is kind of the counter movement to the whole fluffy rainbow unicorn outfit. Let me tell you straight out: it is equally bullshit and no indication of reality whatsoever. Yes, there are horrible things going on on the planet all the time. But to buy into the belief –and, please, ask yourself whether you do and who you got it from – that horrible things are more true or real is NOT HELPING. It is actually exacerbating the fact that you are already feeding energy into these “realities” through your resistance. Which brings me full circle into the very problematic energetic side of CTs.

Most content that would be identifiedas a CT is not solution oriented. I am saying most. Those that do, I would hesitate to even call CTs. But here I am referring to “traditional” CTs that try to educate humanity through fear and panic. You cannot create change or have a positive agenda through scaring the shit out of people. I would strongly advise you to NOT watch stuff that stays in this category. This also applies to theories that have one force of evil in a fight of some kind with another force of good. Well, even if I was not on this planet to end duality, it would still be disempowering. The world is not a sitcom and you will never derive any happiness from sitting on your couch to watch Armageddon unfold. All these outfits, including much of plain TV, are more or less sneaky ways to suck your life force out of you and make sure you do not interfere … Think of parents putting their kids in front of the telly. Saves so much work, doesn’t it?

Please refer to my Episode on “Unconscious Manifestation” to find out what happens to that life force …

On top of the inherent energetic pitfalls there is an additional danger to look out for. Mind you, this is not restricted to CTs. I have come across them in spiritual videos and even comedy. As you can guess, it is possible to bug any video with not originally intended content. Call it hacking or magic, it does not matter. The ones I have personally encountered were trying to temper with your emotions, triggering hate or despair. These are obviously easier to spot in content that you already know to be neutral or positive. Which is why they need to be considered it within this context. The most important thing I can tell you about this kind of meddling is that it is not usually very strong. (Like all hex-like stuff.) Being aware will shake them off instantly. Should you ever feel you got caught by a sudden and overwhelmingly dark state of being, salt baths, smudging, crystals all work pretty good. Grounding, aligning and clearing all both help and prevent such “attacks”. These are not personalised and you have to be a match to them through a trigger or repressed aspect or trauma, which is why they are so much easier to hide in content that already makes you feel like jumping off the next ledge.

From all of the above, you can probably tell that I would not advice you to get into any CTs in case you are emotionally unstable or depressed. If you feel you need to know these things, have a friend tell you in a way that informs but not frightens you. There is plenty of inspirational content out there, not to mention plain information. Instead of watching videos on Bill Gates, you could just watch old interviews with Bill Gates. Mind you, that might be too triggering.

Finally, I am going to try to give you some healthy detachment from the subject matter. These days things seem to be getting very real, much more so than we care for. But is that really so? Partially, yes. I want you to keep in mind that conspiracy theories are far from a new thing. They have always existed and even make up a whole genre or art form. Think of literature. Imagine that someone would eradicate all CT from all books on the planet. Thomas Pynchon would spontaneously combust, followed by many a best-selling author of the last three decades. Shakespeare would turn into the boring old fart that the more undiscerning students of literature have long suspected him to be. But it would not stop there. Roman history? Unthinkable! Any history, really. Natural science would not have been invented. Nor religion. And nobody would even think of going to Egypt anymore. Okay, you could debate me on some of these points. But, please, see that even a fairly harmless genre like the detective novel is based on the very attempt to find meaning in seemingly random acts of violence. Never mind that people died, we get our explanation in the end. The endorphins of a world restored to making sense.

It is that, which holds you in its thrall. But let me tell you, my dear friends, that in a world where every life is allowed to hold its own meaning and the meaning of the world is nothing but the syntheses of all these individually lived truths, nobody would thirst for meaning, because everybody would already know.

Take good care of yourselves!

With love



Inga Wilhelm