
I think it was Lee Harris, who said that up until quite recently, he never heard the word sovereignty used at all, and he is absolutely right. In fact, the only example that comes to my mind, outside of fantasy novels, is the Velvet Undergrounds song “Venus in Furs”. I felt called to check my old Collins for a definition and it says there: “supreme and unrestricted power, as of a state”.  

In recent times, the word has been used to refer to individual and often physical sovereignty. It expresses the belief that the supreme and unrestricted power of each being is a given. A concept surprisingly so new and revolutionary that a “new” term needed to be coined to really express the sentiment. From the spiritual perspective, sovereignty incorporates the concept of the divinity inherent in every individual. Indeed, in every part of creation. It is therefore a shared aim or ideal of major proportions, moving away from the idea of sovereignty being restricted to a certain part of creation or society and only given to the few. Sovereignty as an expression of the New is inherent in all that is and should be respected in all that is. Obviously, this would only work in a society that has accepted that consciousness is an integral part of this universe. 

The implications are endless here, both in respect to the macro- and the microcosm. The Earth herself is a sovereign being, all that live on, in and with her, just as all that is her, are equally sovereign beings whose entirety forms the larger consciousness. If a cow or a river or a tree is sovereign regarding its own incarnation, it has innate rights regarding its own sphere of being and though it might interact or share space with other sovereign beings, its consciousness, needs and integrity cannot be lorded over by any other. They don’t even need to be taken into account. They stand for themselves. 

Conceiving of and accepting the Earth as a sovereign being, and all that is part of her, would make any form of force, exploitation and non-consensual treatment of any part of this biocoenosis impossible. We can only fathom what life would be like … or look to the first nations, many of whom were or are much closer to this form of living than we, as a species, are today. 

But undoubtedly, it is the way we need to go. 

And, as always, we move from the inside out: We become sovereign beings to create a sovereign world. 

Blessings to all! 

Inga Wilhelm