Ascension Shenanigans - Episode X: BALANCE the Phenomenon
This is the first of a three piece episode on Balance.
Starting out on this adventure, I ask myself whether I am doing it somewhat randomly, while knowing of the potential of randomness that is conceived of with trust. So we begin with the balance of 10, 5 to 5, natural balance as conceived of by the matrix of our collective conscious decisions on what is reality … There is an inherent perspective here that is both utterly real, while somewhat off track … I am talking about maths.
Please do not phase out. I am myself totally useless at maths, so this ought to be understandable to ordinary folks. And, as usually, my aim is to open you to perspective. Which is an ungrammatical use of the word, but I think it is time we stepped away from the axiom that it is not possible to hold more than one perspective at any given moment. After all, our subconscious is doing it all the time.
There are three laws of thermodynamics, we will be concerning ourselves with the second one here. Thermodynamics deals with the exchange of energy, originally mostly in the form of heat, hence the name. The first law, summed up shortly, is based on the law of the conservation of energy, which simply states that energy can neither be destroyed nor created, it can merely change form. If you have not been aware of the existence of this law or have forgotten about it when you left school, I would like you to let this sink in. Write it down and pin it to your fridge as a reminder, if you feel so inclined. Any closed energetic system - and this is dealing with things on the level of crystalline, atomic structures, but can super easily be played with on larger and even sentient units – will have an increase in energy equal to the energy given to it from the outside. It might then turn this energy into a form in which it passes it on, i.e. turning heat into work, in your case: nutrients into exercise J. Or not.
The second law actually takes us to the point I am meaning to make. I will quote wiki:
When two initially isolated systems in separate but nearby regions of space, each in thermodynamic equilibrium with itself but not necessarily with each other, are then allowed to interact, they will eventually reach a mutual thermodynamic equilibrium. The sum of the entropies of the initially isolated systems is less than or equal to the total entropy of the final combination. Equality occurs just when the two original systems have all their respective intensive variables (temperature, pressure) equal; then the final system also has the same values.
Entropy is basically the theoretical state of such complete equilibrium between systems, that all energy exchange stops at total zero, which would be equivalent to a sort of energetic death (Happens in relationships). This idea, seen from a more human social interaction perspective inspired Thomas Pynchon to write several long novels on the topic, in case you’d like to delve into this deeply.
Balance, the phenomenon, is a physical fact of this existence. Obviously, all conceivable opposites, light and dark, stillness and movement, male and female, good and evil, silence and noise are already an emanation of the principle of balance, even though in this case they seem to be closed off from each other except in the idea of their syntheses:
But they are not. They ARE each other. For a thought form to become life there has to be a massive amount of energetic exchange going on. And frickin huge amounts of energies are generated onto the planet within these antinomies. Think of ANY story of creation. Does it contain opposites? Of course it does.
But to go back to the thermodynamics and what personally concerns us. The message I would like to bring you here is that balance is something that is happening, all day, every day, without you taking any part in it. Not only is it a structure of creation, it is also something that happens minute by minute on a small scale, any opposition to it is quite volatile and tends to lead to strange outcomes. Take Star Wars. In case you have managed to sit through all episodes of the saga, you will have noticed that the so very much craved balance of the force seems to be something that is mostly happening in spite rather than because of any human plans or machinations, may they come from whichever side. The ineffable cosmic plan becomes more ineffable the more control somebody thinks they are exercising.
So, lean back and enjoy your smallness. For a moment.
Every time you come into coercion with another energetic system the strife for balance will ensue automatically. The same is true for the balance within yourself, between the personality parts that are dominant and those that are repressed, inner children with different needs, belief systems, unexpressed emotions, really, you are a universe onto yourself. And this universe is striving towards balance. The problem is that what comes of this strife is rarely conceived of as such. Think of the amounts of energy rushing back and forth between those very opposed bits. And compare it to the energy flowing between your more balanced aspects. That should tell you something. Same if you look at the world. Blimey, it is going crazy to a degree were we feel acutely unsafe on an everyday level. Bright side: this creates so much energy for change. And change is what we have been asking for.
Go for it! Fill it with your visions of harmony, where energy is exchanged consciously and without restraint.
As for balance …
Things will sort themselves out.