Ascension Shenanigans - Episode IX: Unconscious Creation
Detail from “The Garden of Earthly Delight” by Hieronymus Bosh
Before I even start on this Episode, I would ask you to read in full awareness to all triggers it might contain for you. This is an area sooo full of triggers, to me as much as anyone else, and there are many good reasons for this being the case. As always I am not holding the intention of telling you what to do, but rather to give you some perspectives that I feel are sorely neglected and that have a relevance for all individuals as much as on the level of the collective.
Speaking of which, I am currently working with collective energies again. I have been doing so intensively for over three years now. This morning it was Emptiness, or the perceived complete none-existence of energy/abundance and it looked, to my inner creator, much like you would envision an energy vampire demon. Filled with BE ing ness that is fully aware of the I AM of effortless connectedness to planetary abundance it becomes that very energy itself, realising in the matrix (as it is already realised cosmically). I am giving this as a background for where these little articels come from.
As is always the very frustrating case, unconscious creation as a topic is large enough to fill several books. I will try to pick some aspects that are immediately relevant to the individual (while, at heart, being of the conviction that they all are …).
Having recently embodied my essence to another stage of more fullness I am now able to be completely honest with you and say that on this topic I most decidedly come from a place of intense frustration with humanity. You might say, hang on, didn’t you say you embodied your essence, and should you not then be more loving and also detached from all that? Well, yes to the former and absolutely no to the latter.
The divine theme of this planet, as I have mentioned about a million times, is freedom. And love. But the latter is the theme of the entire cosmos. If you accept this and also accept that you came into this incarnation based on a decision made from the free will of your soul stream/higher selves/enlightened perspective, you can easily take a wild guess and say that you did not become incarnate to then suddenly stop doing just that, by which I mean making conscious decisions and thereby taking part, playing with, emanating and fulfilling the theme of our beloved Earth. If you do so in a loving way, all the better. But I will tell you one cop out that you can actually fall for: conscious, I mean, really conscious decisions are ALWAYS loving. They might not seem to be so for people, who hold a different perspective (potentially everybody else), but they certainly are for the person making them.
Total freedom from decision making or even the attachments that make these decision a necessity is most certainly not what you came here to have. This applies even to your hermit sitting on his mountain meditating his arse off till kingdom come. He made a decision. And not an easy one. He has not left attachment, he has simply chosen to be more attached to the idea of saving the planet in the way he has decided it needs to be saved (another attachment) and he is sticking with this. On the side: there is no as such virtue in sticking with your attachments or decisions, unless you chose it to be that way.
So, yes, for the sake of us all I am actually asking you to question all attachment to the idea of enlightenment. You will reach plenty of that when you die, so you might as well loosen up about it. And why am I asking you? Because of unconscious creation.
Unconscious creation is basically what happens when we chose to not consciously create. As the abundant energy flowing towards and into this planet cannot be stopped or even hindered from flowing and creating, IT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE. So, if it does not come in as your dinner, prince charming or the career you have been dreaming of, it might well come in as another bill, neighbours complaining about your lawn or another shitty job. Instead of causing frustration I would like to take your consciousness to the important bit, which is the cosmos of possibilities that lies between these two outcomes. You don’t see it? That is because you are looking ahead, at what is before you. What you need here is a 360° perspective. What is behind you, out of sight and out of hearing and out of mind, is what ought to be worrying you. Or, ideally, filling you with excitement.
As usually, it is the unconscious that is running the show. Not only because of our lack of collective consciousness, but also, and here my frustration comes in, because too often we consciously or unconsciously and usually both make the decision not to make a decision, choose not to choose, give freedom a pass. This might take the form of not voting in the European election. This makes a perfect example of where our tendency to dodge decision has taken us. As a collective, we are like the slightly suicidal teenager, who refuses to come off age and take responsibility for his/her life, assuming that there are others who will, and this is the secret hope, know better and act better in some sort of eventuality, long run fashion, while pertaining the nihilistic cop out view that whatever I do will not make the slightest difference. So, you wonder why people are feeling stuck? I will get to that in a moment, but let us look at the election. Yes, the choices are ever so sorry. There is nobody, and certainly no political party that embodies the change that we long for. In fact, there is a massive power vacuum, that has accumulated over the years out of cowardice, low self-esteem, lack of empathy, the list is endless but leads to only one action: the large scale decision to not personally participate in bringing change about (out of fear). This vacuum is constantly filling itself greedily and in perfect alignment with energetic laws with vermin thought forms. It is enough for them to contain a tiny grain of truth to then hook onto the masses of rather unconscious beings, who create almost ONLY unconsciously. It is like desperately grasping for a way out, while secretly wanting to dye.
Another somewhat hard to grasp fact is that will per se is unconscious. We only realise will into 3d through movement. The physical aspect of this is more important than you’d think, but beyond walking, climbing etc., what is that movement? It is change, or as you would call it, expansion. Expansion is the manifestation of will through movement. It is expansive by virtue of integrating that which is not yet conscious or realised into its self. All of it. Which is tricky and realised in a linear form on this planet. Well, most of the time. The individual’s guidance system of participating in this expansion is desire or repulsion, sympathy or antipathy. They are the incarnate divine will within the individual emanation. That also means that we are always expanding, whether we like it or not.
So, on the individual level, I have a very simple wish that is seemingly impossible to realise. At least that is the impression I get when talking to people. I wish for all humanity to become aware of the fact that their life, in ANY case, is a series of decisions, of choosing in every single second. That it is impossible to not choose and that therefore such phrases as “Well, that’s how it is” need to be translated to: “I chose it to stay that way”. I wish them to leave the entanglement of repeating a choice for powerlessness. I know this is easily said, and I am aware of those who are in situations of extreme disempowerment. But in what is called the Western World, we are mostly not. We have not yet chosen dictatorship to take responsibility off our shoulders. We are neither starving nor threatened, and those amongst us who think they are need the validation of their fear more than anything else. To go through the trouble of giving that validation and saying “Yes, I understand. You are afraid. And for good reasons.” would cost much less than to simply leave creation to forces that we do not WANT to know.
To finish, having much left unsaid, I will give one typical example of how immobilising your individual free will might play out in your life. What people call “being stuck”. A state or feeling currently so wide spread that to call it individual is somewhat ironic. Well, firstly, here is the good news: You cannot be stuck. If nothing is moving in your field of perception it will be somewhere else. If you want to consciously influence where it is moving to, get prepared to embrace awareness.
I assume that you are more or less conscious of being made up of different personality parts that usually tend to split up into antimonies, like a powerless self-aspect on the opposite end of the spectrum to a controlling self-aspect. In case any part of your reality is not playing out the way you want it to, it is very likely that there is a part of you that does have quite a different agenda. Equally, you might have placed yourself in opposition to any collective entity in your surroundings, possibly reinacting former experiences of rebellion. But we will stick with the opposition of inner aspects to each other. It is quite likely that there is some awareness of these parts, but we tend to not actually look them in the face, for a number of reasons. What we will be aware of is the emotional tension and exhaustion that comes along with a state of inner disharmony. For instance, you might be sick with your current employment and spending a lot of time finding another position but to no avail. This can be hindered for any number of reasons. Parts of you that are afraid of change. Parts of you that think you do not deserve a better job. Even parts that think you ought to be an artist and completely quit looking for jobs you are not really passionate about … Possibly all of them. This already creates a certain stuckness, like a cat chasing its tail, but there is still movement. Serious, really serious stuckness has an additional twist, and this is a real beaute. It is form, a form many know and aspire to. It’s balance. Or “balance”. If you have managed to juxtapose all your opposing aspects to such perfection that each side of a pair holds close to the exact same energy, which in thermodynamics is called Entropy, you have reached a balance that is truly immobilising. This can sometimes be an okay situation. It can be helpful. But for the most part it is neither.
As a transitory phase of your life that is used consciously for integration, this can be a kind of ultimate meditation that goes on as long as you pick off pairs to find some harmony or compromise taking them out of opposition. A lot of the daily practises that we all know and love actually help anchoring the stuckness to a higher level, giving that level sovereignty over the energy that would otherwise keep flowing into any kind of unconscious creation. It is, so to speak, the decision to leave creation to a higher level. But, you have guessed, most people do not even have a daily practise. They are generating energy onto this plane without any clue to the sacredness of this resource, its possibilities or the fact that they are offering it up for grabs to any odd thought form. Explains a lot, doesn’t it? The people who call themselves Lightworkers are the ones who try to keep the energetic damage on a bearable level. The truth of it being that this is where most of the spiritual community is presently at. Unfortunately, this is not and will never be a long term substitute for sovereignty, which is making conscious choices about just about everything 24h a day. A fully conscious incarnate being would, for instance, consciously decide to have a digestion. It would will its heart to beat and so forth. Personally, I hope this is not where we are heading as it seems to be a bother. But it gives you an idea of how little conscious autonomy is ours.
But I would like us to have an idea of where we are heading. I want our children, who love the excitement and the possibilities, to know where their amazingness is heading. Because it wants to. I want visions to erupt on all sides like fireworks leading us to actual change that takes place in full awareness of all individual needs and choices. Authenticity can only be achieved in full sight of all we are and all we want to become. It is the prerequisite for personal empowerment, which is the execution of conscious creation.
Remedios by Leonora Carrington