Ascension Shenanigans - Episode VII: The Dimensions Revisited and some navigation between the macro and microcosm

In the field of spiritual and esoteric studies there is fairly pervading concept of the dimensions. They differ in number, 12, 14 and 16 are popular, but all in all the topic is too abstract for the human mind to really grasp, so most seekers tend to agree to differ. There are people who have dedicated their life to exploring the higher dimensions, you can journey into dimensions with a guided meditation or dip out of body to explore by yourself. This is not what this episode is about. To get to that I have to diverge, and as this is about THE BIGGER PICTURE, I will diverge to hell and back in huge leaps and strides, all in the service of taking you on a journey of perspective ….

Let’s return for now to what we really know: the human ego. A child is born considering itself, or rather not considering its self, as part of a whole made up by its environment. It does not truly conceive of itself as separate, nor does the ego really kick in until it is fairly old, around nine. (I know you would think your child was born with an ego, but that is just your ego trying to feel good about itself. The child is born with needs.) But even before that, it begins to separate itself from its surroundings, very slowly, and in whatever way it has a self-concept, it will naturally see this self as the centre of the universe. This ego-centric perspective is a perfectly normal by-product of human existence. Let me add that this perspective does not in or of itself in any way deny the amble existence of other perspectives. It actually, again you can see this easily in children, has the capacity to communicate with these other perspectives, in fact, it not only energetically overlaps with them, but, at a level, includes them all. It is capable of empathising with practically all of them, though once it develops personality boundaries, these will influence and restrict this ability.

To understand how the egocentric perspective came to be what it is today, let me brush shortly through history. Around the time of the ancient Greeks, the human mind assumed a new role: one not as part of the senses, but of sovereignty over the senses. It became the thinking tool that declares itself the sole seat of  - not yet consciousness but – knowledge. Back then it was still complemented by the body and the soul. The Romans took on this Greek model with ardour, as it perfectly fitted their imperialistic outlook as the amalgamation of mind and ego – the exclusive version that declares its own pint of view to override all others. This is where “the One God” came in handy. Bringing along his alter ego with him in a son of unity consciousness, the absolution from separation, this nevertheless added to a political agenda of the one valid perspective to rule the world. The geo-centric world model is the collective version of the ego-centric (and its anagram). World rule is it declared and indeed natural agenda. It is driven by fear and control issues: fear of all it has suppressed and control as the only way to feel safe.

Caught in the “I think therefore I am” (which should be “I am conscious therefore I am”), with constantly increasing materialism promoting the exclusive perspective to an exclusive reality for the whole planet, the higher perspective was substituted by objectivity as the only possibility to arrive at a valid conclusion about ANYTHING. Through it science assumes that the way to find out the truth about any matter, and things beyond matter as far as they can be validated through matter, is to watch matter long enough and close enough and cut it down to smaller and smaller parts … Well, that was not going to happen, but that is not the point I am driving towards.

In all even just vaguely spiritual communities this state of materialism and obvious god playing on a material level is deplored, if not abhorred. There are many theories that conceive of this state as a kind of accident or act of intended evil, cheating us out of what we really were born to be doing in harmony with the higher dimensions.

But is it ….

I do not know about you, but my personal questions about the dimensions were never relative to the fourth, five or sixths dimension. What I never really got was the first and the second. It made no sense.

And here we finally swap perspectives.

Imagine the moment before the universe comes into being. Is there nothing? No. There is ONE. The inconceivable one. All we know about it, indeed, is its oneness, for when it became conscious of itself it split, into two. Let’s, just for the sake of it, consider this to be our outlook and starting point for counting the dimensions: Precreational Zero: the Creator/Source before creation, once one and still one as the whole. One: the creator conscious of itself, mirroring itself, the first antinomies, spreading out as each unity splits into consciousness: Space. Second: here Source ponders and graves reunion and finds out what many young parents know: that the synthesis of two does not make one but three … but how can it conceive of itself in multitude? Will it lose itself in the expansion of space? So time is created as the capacity to hold different perspectives infinitely. Recall the infinity symbol: travelling from one to other and through synthesis. If you spread it out, a flower of life like pattern unfolds. The energetic web of the universe spreads out over the multiverse. What today is called dark matter. Our womb. In this the god consciousness dances creation. Manifesting, at some point in some far out dimension, physical matter.  The crust of expansion. Countless incarnations of the creator consciousness pressing into the material plane, returning with what they have learned and moving out again. Somewhere in it a tiny planet of high density, low consciousness, linear time and an annoying law of attraction that nobody gets. And this, from a divine perspective, is actually the height of expansion. This is where shit happens. The time is now. The place is here.

Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Expand your mind!!


Inga Wilhelm