Ascension Shenanigans – EpsiodeXXIII: "Faking it": 8 reasons why you shouldn’t.
Anybody indulging in an ongoing spiritual practice will have heard someone say, one time or another, that if you cannot be in that good spot and frequency you are aiming for, the next best thing is to fake it. I am personally very picky about the people I follow, but even of those select few, most have said it once or twice. If you haven’t guessed yet: I couldn’t disagree more. Here are my reasons.
As always, I can say that there will be exceptions. Whatever can be conceived of by consciousness will be true somehow, somewhere. Not that I have come across an example. Nevertheless, this blog will by virtue of exclusion give you clarity on the circumstances under which faking might be theoretically considered beneficial.
My first reason is also the one most “in your face”😊 : I call it the Dorian Grey effect. If you are not familiar with Wilde’s famous novel: It is built on the assumption that our sins show up in our physiognomy. While that is debatable or rather complicated, there certainly is an energetic imprint that occurs when someone goes against themselves, which, unlike in classical thought, is not at all restricted to things done against one’s consciousness. It is indeed more of a problem of acting against one’s own nature, the definition of which would be “faking it” aka insincerity or as we call it today: inauthenticity. As this is a process of self-repulsion, done consciously or unconsciously alike, it will manifest as repulsion in the outer world. For no apparent reason, people will gravitate away from you. (Unless they are a match to you, because they were conditioned to perceive repulsion as love.)
Faking something, in particular positive emotions (though this would and does also work the other way around), is like an act of internal backstabbing against the parts of your personality that were having the problem to begin with. Instead of seeing them, becoming aware of them, accepting them and integrating them, they are made wrong once again and pushed away. We are spending our lives in a state of perpetual flight from the way we feel anyway. Now you are adding insult to the hurt. From the perspective of greater consciousness this is a massive gaslight. It adds yet another loop to the merry go round of not being seen, felt or heard, kicking your inner children in the face. On top of that, this also opens the door to all sorts of unwanted life paths. You might remember me mentioning in former blogs that everything you do repress strongly enough in yourself has literally no other choice than to manifest in your outside reality. Or a nice disease …. The tricky bit here is that this might initially be experienced both as relief and an energetic rush, as the parts that are ready to move towards your goals and desires will gather momentum. But there are those others … And they will pop up eventually. An excellent way to explore this is to find an example in your past where you did fake a feeling, attitude, enthusiasm for a job, an orgasm or whatever. Chose an example that lies sufficiently far in the past to have come full circle, something that is not present in your life as a situation now. Ask yourself whether that instance of faking served you in the long run.
Choosing unconsciousness and unawareness can be okay at times where it is used as a self-care tool. This is what is meant by “not engaging”. For people on the path towards self-love it is important to learn that they have a choice in what to engage with. They can and should execute free will here. But this applies really only to stuff that is not your own dirty laundry. Admittedly, you sometimes might have problems identifying what is yours and what is not. A simple visualisation might help here: See yourself as a house or building in whatever way presents itself spontaneously. Give this ample surrounding. Ask yourself in respect to any situation in your life: Is this in my house? Is it in my garden? My village/part of the woods? And so on. Accept whatever answer comes up spontaneously.
This is a big one: When you ignore, disengage from or even deny anything that is part of your actual being and reality, you are giving away your power over your life. Every time. At best the conscious creator part of you, just like your consciousness general, makes up a tiny portion of the actual thing: Most of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, believes, strategies, behaviours etc. are unconscious. And that is not going to change. Even in healing – or I should say: particularly in healing – unconsciousness is a force that wins over with such speed and effectiveness, most people will within seconds have forgotten not only the healing process but, particularly if it isn’t linked to obvious outer circumstances, they will forget about the “less healed” state they were in all of five seconds ago. Belief you me, as a healer that is a constant source of frustration for me. My clients mostly don’t even remember having been healed. On the bright side that is actually a sign of successful integration. Your massive unconscious Self has simply taken your consciousness through that very door it was aiming at anyway, and your little conscious self doesn’t even have a clue this happened. So, vice versa, the moment you are pushing these parts that need integrating away, your unconscious Self will already be scheming on a nice little plot to reunite you more effectively in the future.
You should also not hesitate to ask yourself, what role faking has played in your life so far. I understand this will not be the most popular topic for contemplation, but if you have grown up anywhere on the planet in this day and age, and mostly any other, the chances are high that you are a Master Faker. You had to be to survive. You had to be to get accepted or possibly just not bothered. So, when you are engaging in an act of faking, you are returning to the groove of an old and cherished coping mechanism. That means that all sorts of automatisms apply and are set in motion engaging all the parts that have previously looped on this endeavour of adaptation. This should be sending shivers down your spine. And not good ones.
Your Self desires nothing more than you coming closer to your TRUE self. This entails ALL that you are. It’s what the term integration is all about. It is what authenticity is all about. When you are faking, you are doing the opposite: excluding. Which is, strangely, not the way to Oneness.
Have you considered that you might be hurting others, who have to mirror or match those repressed emotions, aspects and parts? Coz what you are doing is actually externalising your low frequency bits. Your unconscious is not some kind of land fill or galactic rubbish bin. It is an alchemical brew that cooks up your frickin’ reality. Admittedly, the people manifesting what you repress, will have to be a match to doing so in the first place. Nevertheless, there will be many instances where the “deserving” will be debatable, most notably where your children are concerned, who don’t really have much actual choice in the matter. In this respect we absolutely do get what we deserve, not matter how much we would like to blame others.
We have already established that by faking you are gaslighting yourself and are therefore engaging in self-abusive behaviour. Here I would like to point out that these practices of “faking it”, such as affirmations you do not really believe in, are often used while working with higher dimensional entities, to use the broadest term, such as planets, gods, angels etc. So, you are basically trying to cheat on them to give you a better life than you are currently a match to …. Hmmm, wonder whether that is a good idea ….
So, to conclude: Let us assume you are a person who has been always true to herself, have no past baggage with faking. You lovingly embrace all of who you are and live your life accordingly, continuously integrating more of yourself and the external world on your steady path of expansion. If all of this applied to you, you’d be safe enough to indulge in some faking. Although I don’t see why you would, unless it was to integrate planetary insincerity.
Oh, and for those who wonder whether faking to higher dimensional energies actually works: Yes, it does! It will bring little miracles floating into your daily life. It will be amazing. All the parts of you, who have always longed for this experience will burst into bloom, all the repressed ones cast into darkness and oblivion: a time of great change, massive separation and immense frustration of the oppositional parts towards each other will commence. Sound familiar at all? So, on the bright side: Faking is a great way to up the game.
Sending much love!