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Ascension Shenanigans - Episode XVIV: Healing, healing, healing

For four weeks now, I have had an Episode about the current crisis on my computer that I did not feel like publishing … for one simple reason: I kept asking myself: How does reading this help people through what is happening? We do assume that knowledge is power. We do assume that because we “know” about something, we will be safer or more in control of the situation at hand. When something makes sense to us, we do not feel threatened or at least not as threatened as when something does not make any sense. As my core motivation for this blog is offering perspectives that are helpful, this should be totally my cup of tea. And yet …

But the main reason I am publishing this episode instead, is that I have never had so many people come to me for guidance or healing. This is not surprising with the amount of uncertainty that Is presently rampant not only in people’s reality but also in respect to what that reality is. The other outstanding occurrence is that all the healing I am doing for myself or others at present is of amazingly exceptional quality, depth and effectiveness. It is as if everybody had reached a whole new level of potential to heal, integrate and grow. This is what I would define as the sugar coat on the, err, heap of shite. No, seriously, it is, in a way, what this time is all about. And as I think that knowing this will be infinitely more helpful to people, I decided to give a short outline of the possibilities presently available to all. If your spontaneous reaction to this is: What good will that be, if I cannot do this on my own? I would like you to at least consider that you have an amount of help at your disposal curretnly that I can only describe as INSANE. Just your intention to walk a path of healing at this time will turn you into a magnet for healing.

First thing though: Give yourself as much nurture and space as you possibly can. If you think you know what that looks like for you, I would advise you to make a list and go through each item and feel into it: nurturing or not? And I mean deeply and long term nurturing, so please erase everything that will make you feel worse in the long run. Like evasion. There is so much change afoot that it is unlikely to not be occurring on the inside. I should say: impossible. So, reassess, be good to yourself in the most connected, grounded way you can muster.

So, this is a crisis, right? But the forms it is taking individually are very different indeed. Your own particular crisis will be very different from that of the next person. This makes you rather isolated, which is both painful and unasked for, buhut – again we are looking for the cherry on the dead rat – this makes it an excellent time to turn inwards and work with what you find there. Get to know the crowd that you truly are! This is such a good time for parts work, I cannot even begin to tell you. (Teal Swan has an excellent video on parts work.) A very good starting point for this would be to take your memory back to previous scenarios in your life that were equally threatening or traumatic. See the parallels. What happened then? Did you have the time or means to heal or even care for yourself? How did it evolve? And most importantly: what would you like to do differently this time? And all these questions are asked with a focus on your inner self. How did … make you feel?

It is also very possible that certain parts of your personality are already mega present to you. Like the self-critic, the inner parent etc. Spending much time by yourself brings them up like almost nothing else. The part that is caught in a state of perpetual panic and fear that something awful is just around the corner. Or the part that needs to just function and get on with your life. Any number of little child parts that are scared and alone and vulnerable, completely incapable of extracting themselves from the situation at hand.

These aspects of yourself are in a state of relative unawareness of each other and your life. Anything, really ANYTHING that you do in the direction of perceiving them, feeling into them, getting them into awareness of themselves and others, not to mention your current life situation, will begin a process of drastically changing your inner condition, which will – inside and outside are one – then change your reality. Most people are either scared by this or overwhelmed by the idea of having to deal with it. When really it takes so little to have the most amazing effect.

And this was not always so … As I am not into watching timeliness and cannot tell, and probably would not tell you, whether this will be available indefinitely, I would rather you took my word for it and gave it a go. Because it is the most self-loving thing to do.

This basically applies to any kind of true healing, i.e. healing that will increase your awareness, help you to integrate, end the inner and outer state of war on the planet and come into your power without leaving anything behind or rejecting anything.

And for the curious, yes, I can name some reason why this is so. Firstly, any kind of confinement will bring stuff up in you that you have been suppressing (no distraction, right?). The energies coming in to co-create this healing crisis together with the planetary consciousness as well as the human collective subconscious are very high vibrational. It is a bit like having a really skilled interdimensional midwife come in to help you birth the new, more integrated you, which is really just a side effect of the general birthing that is going on. Which is, by the way, one of many reasons you might have not been feeling so great lately, as, even without your conscious participation, you have been resurrecting and burning old trauma. You can call it karma, if you like. Believe me, conscious participation makes this so much easier.

And, and this is the jewel in your crown, the more you get into this and participate, the better for the planet!

You are needed! You are loved!

Get into it!

