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Ascension Shenanigans - Episode XXIV: Are you an Earth Angel?

This must easily be the most out of character Episode I have ever written. Buhut, as this is a topic I have been struggling with all my live and more consciously so during the last ten years and I simply have not found any answers that I personally perceived as sufficiently illuminating, here it goes … 

And, unsurprisingly, this comes with a header: Please … BIG please, always stay aware that we all, as energetic beings and their physical emanations in this time space reality, are representations of a Higher Self or personal Angel; that we generically flow from a soul stream that comes through one of the Archangels, who I mention here, because they are most popular and well know, while you equally emanate through the entire hierarchy of Seraphims, Cherubims, Aralims, the Tarshishim, Hashmalim and Elohim, the Archai, Archangeloi and Angeloi …. Just as all life on this planet is starseeded, guided and loved. We all come from the One Source. Just had to get that off my heart. 

As there are many, many articles to be found on the internet addressing this topic and for brevities sake, I will concentrate on points that seem either particularly noteworthy or are missing to my best knowledge. But, if you like, you could also read all or any article on being a lightworker and find that a lot of what is written there applies to you too, same goes for starseeds. Neither of which is surprising, really … 

So, is there even a difference? Yes … I will start with a lopsided point that nevertheless has helped me a great deal: 1. Recognising other Earth Angels. As an Earth Angel you will intuitively or even instinctively recognise other Earth Angels. Most of this applies to anybody chancing upon a member of their actual soul stream: the instant familiarity, sometimes getting along like a house on fire, but not always, a kind of weird recognition that makes people stand out energetically or even visually, meeting in odd places and these chance meetings seeming like dates you didn’t know you had, feeling ease around each other except when stuff comes up to heal. This list could be ten pages long, but I assume you get the picture. These people and your relationship to them, if there is one, will always be intense, tending towards conversations that matter to the both of you, though you will notice that there is a huge variety of actual energies and purposes that can come with an Earth Angel: They might be deep thinkers, fighters of deep valour or incredibly sweet, sunshiny drifters … Either way, they will be at the top end of the scale of whatever they are embodying. Even with Earth Angels, they might be totally unconscious of any of it, though I have not met one who was not aware of an extra portion of magic always being present in their life.  

Please, be aware, that, potentially, being an Earth Angel would make you equally aware of Earth Demons, in fact, they would be the same to you, because as an Earth Angel you 2. Don’t Believe in Evil. This does not mean that you don’t think anything wrong is going on on this planet. In fact, and this makes me laugh, the opposite is the case. Nevertheless, having been born with an enhanced awareness of your origins and higher dimensional truth, you have the innate knowledge of Oneness inscribed into your being and you are quite aware that evil is a human concept, even if you have been traumatised out of the peacefulness and acceptance that comes along with it …. 

Because as an Earth Angel you will have a 3. Ton of Trauma. Even just being born into this time space reality for you involved a lot of stuff that was neither natural nor nice. You have come here as a Healer, Caregiver and Responsible Person. That sounds stressful because it is stressful. And some of you Angels will resent the fuck out of it (and, yeah, we cuss). You are here to help humanity get into the driver's seat and stir the bloody wheel. That is not going to happen with you lying on a beach in Florida all day long … which will seem attractive to any Earth Angel happy to immerse with the beauty of Mother Earth to a point where we forget we even exist. Or sleep 12 hours a day. Whichever it is for you: Your trauma is actually what is meant to keep you on track. And in case you are wondering which idiot thought that that might be a good idea: it was you. 

Before you feel all bad about lying on a beach: Immersing yourself in nature is where you refill your cup, for your 4. Love of Nature’s Beauty is fierce and deep and what draws you and keeps you on this planet. This is where you feel the divine light continuously filling into the planet in an endless stream of love. Nature and a lovingly sustainable way of life appeal to you immensely. You will love animals, plants minerals with growing and expanding passion and MASSIVE protectiveness. 

For you are definitely 5. Master Protectors. How you do it, will be kind of your personal “thing”. You are backed up here by your angelic family and anything else in the universe. You will also go through a painful learning curve regarding your impulse and the question of when help is actually in another's best interest. Not to mention the times when you cannot help, bystander trauma and building guilt. But I don’t want to spoil the fun, so I will stop and just add: Any pain in any other being is to you completely unbearable and, as you peel away the layers of trauma and conditioning, this sensitivity will only grow stronger and stronger, as will your struggle with loving and being utterly exasperated with humanity as a whole. Respect and love the heck out of your own sensitivity is my best advice for any Earth Angel, as 

6. Sensitivity is really an issue for you, both physically and energetically. Try to remember that you are balancing this with power and strength. Be aware of gaslighting in this respect and don’t have others tell you what you are sensitive or not sensitive to. Most of all, don’t get drawn into the game of bulldozing your sensitivities, because this will have the effect of emptying your cup way worse than it would for other people. Be aware that any step you take in this direction will diminish your power and might have an impact far beyond the present moment of foolishness. 

Which brings us right to the next point: 7. You Like Telling People What to Do. This, again, might come in many shades, you do not have to be outright bossy. It’s just that you do know a lot, if not all of the time, what people should do, so, unless you tell somebody, you are kind of stuck with that energy. Here we have another of your lifelong learning curves. Being a Confidant, Adviser or Guide is, indeed, your thing. Different Earth Angels might have different areas or expertise where this applies, but you will have some form of innate authority. This rarely takes the form of looking for power. It is more the authority that is naturally assumed or accepted. For instance: as a child other children might have naturally seen you as the one who invented or picked new games; friends may come to you for advice, to see the “higher perspective” or to confide in you etc. 

This one is quite interesting. You will be either the 8. Most Grounded, Most Ungrounded or Both person within a mile. In some posts I read that Earth Angels, like many light workers, struggle with grounding. That doesn’t really hit the truth for me. Up until quite recently, for a Higher Dimensional whatever to come into the 3d earth plane took quite a lot of magic. Suffice it to say: it is not easy. If you are an Earth Angel, and you came here to stay for a while and not just a short visit, you need to be grounded like no other creature on the planet … except perhaps some walk ins or such. As you looove nature and being in nature, your natural tendency, love for the planet and delight in meditation and other woo woo stuff should generally do the trick, but, referring you back to point 3., this might not always have been the case or available to you, on any bit along the scale short of demanifestation. Therefore you are a supreme teacher of grounding. If this does not apply to you, please, become a student of grounding asap. 

For some reason there will always be issues around the topic of 9. Procreation? in your life. You will either not have children, though you have a good and pleasant bond with them in general. Having children might be a topic. If you have children, it will not have been an easy process by any means. And, in the little actual experience I can share, they will be some children indeed! After all, they will in some respect be the next generation. Equally, and in interdependence to this, you will either have very strong and lasting intimate relationships (and I am not talking about your love live, which tends to be either vibrant or none existent) or none at all or intervals of one or the other. Do get to terms with living in the extremes. It is your nature. Trying to get out of that with a luke-warm relationship can throw you into a divergence loop you might find hard to leave and open the door to addictions, not to mention a ton of regret. 

Finally, you will have instinctual or intuitive knowledge of 10.Higher Truths. Again, this is something all humans share. The difference is the availability and intensity. After all, you do have a direct line to Source Mind. Also, though you might go through bouts of righteousness, you will be aware of the relative value of ANY truth. 

I could go on for a while …. If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to e-mail me. 

I will end here by saying that, of course, any of the above might apply to any number of people. Though being an Earth Angel is a path of deep purpose, so, in a way, is all of existence. The important thing is to find your very own place. Know that when I was born, there were already many thousands Earth Angels upon the planet. Today we are millions, many quite young. You are not alone

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Are you an Earth Angel? Inkiri Amerasul